Kennedy Space Center

Sauer Mechanical, LLC was selected to participate in this design build project which converted a NASA Space Shuttle facility at Kennedy Space Center to the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility, (C3PF) for the Boeing CST 100 Starliner space capsule. This capsule will be utilized to return manned flight launches from the US, for the first time since 2011 when the Space Shuttles were retired.
This project consisted of selective demolition of Space Shuttle platforms and ground support systems that would no longer be required for the new Boeing capsule. Replacement and modernization of the facility’s HVAC, plumbing, and fluids systems to support a Class 100 high bay clean room for vehicle processing. Renovations included replacement of restroom fixtures, installation of new vacuum, compressed air, precision cleaned gaseous nitrogen, helium, breathing air, oxygen, and hypergol stainless steel pipe and tubing systems, including associated regulating panels, manifold panels, and utility suites.
A substantial portion of these modifications were coordinated simultaneously with the owner as they were moving in to the facility and initiating their processes.
Boeing Company
Kennedy Space Center, FL
Construction Manager:
Hensel Phelps Construction Co.
Mechanical Engineer:
Systems Installed:
Plumbing Systems
Fluids Systems